only clowns

A unique collection of 10,000 generative NFTs clowning around the ethereum blockchain


What makes Only Clowns unique in the NFT space?

We built a decentralized website utilizing ENS and IPFS.  All clowns will be generated randomly on-chain at time of mint and your NFT will be stored on IPFS so it is not dependent on any single marketplace or website.  Very few projects do on-chain generation of NFTs.  Almost every NFT in your wallet was pre-created before mint.

Are there any Legendaries?

There will be 10 legendary clowns from pop culture history. The team will not retain any of them and all will be available to mint.  If the team mints any randomly with our own clown mints, we will give them away to the community via raffle.

When can we mint?

Follow our twitter for updates but the mint date will be announced soon.

Is there a presale?

Yes.  The first 1k discord members will have early access, and holding certain collections, such as anything from the BAYC ecosystem, will also allow you to mint in the 48 hour pre-sale window.  Join discord to obtain your roles.

Why do I want presale acces​s?

To save money jfc.  Pre-sale mint will cost 0.069 ETH.  Public mint will cost 0.0869 ETH.

How much does minting cost?

Lmao read “why do I want presale access?”

Is there a roadmap?

Only Clowns are simply pretty awesome digital collectibles.  Our goal is to educate and help onboard people into the NFT space while building a great community in the process.  With the team’s love of video games, it’s likely the community will expand into blockchain gaming guilds as blockchain gaming grows. We will utilize our bad ass logo on merch as we grow the OC brand.  And we might have some surprises up our sleeves.

about the project

Only Clowns is a NFT community that strives to serve. It was founded by a group of internet gaming friends (AKA super frens) and crypto enthusiasts who’ve helped each other weed through noise and navigate the complexities of the metaverse.

Only Clowns is a way to expand to a larger audience and create a community of likeminded individuals. All of you clowns are invited to join our private Discord, where members are encouraged to discuss and explore the wide-ranging world of crypto, and to have fun doing it. We are Only Clowns, after all. LMAO!!!